To raise literacy achievement throughout the EYFS setting and Primary School.
Early Literacy teaching is now governed by the requirements of the National Year 1 Phonics test…
Support in the Early Years Foundation Stage to improve the quality of teaching to ensure rapid progress in developing basic skills…
Client Testimonials
Nargish Khambatta Vice President Gems Education, Dubai “Every single principal and their team were pleased after your sessions- especially after the second day. Thank you very much for the wonderful professional development opportunity.”
Ambika Gulati Principal “Thank you Mary and Rose for your time today. The teachers have obtained valuable insights that will help strengthen our existing processes. We do hope you will continue to support our school.”
Althea de Andrade Head of Primary “The workshop conducted by you today was an enriching experience for our teachers. You helped clarify our doubts and answered all our queries patiently. Your valuable inputs will help us stream line the existing practices. Thank you for assisting us in structure the PM writing curriculum.
Team Millennium is extremely grateful to both of you.”
“The training was well paced and engaging. The knowledge of the trainers was exceptional and they motivated my staff to want to really understand the system and ask questions. The way the second session built on the first was perfect in enabling staff to have the opportunity to ‘layer’ their learning and understanding.”
“I observed Guided Reading sessions of all of the Primary Teachers. The results are really positive plus the standard of provision is improving. Evidence of the impact of your training “
“I’d like to thank you very much indeed for your wonderful training session on Wednesday this week. It is always nice to invite experts to present to the group as the reps always get so much out of it, but they really did this time around. You were able to break down what will be delivered in the training session in such a way that we didn’t get any clarifying questions at the end, which is most unusual!”
“Mary and Rose have provided the best professional development ever for our staff. Their knowledge of how children learn to read and write is phenomenal. They have had the greatest impact on the quality of the teaching and learning and the children have made outstanding progress. Highly recommended.”